I mean really, who hasn't?
Did you ever stop to really figure it out, or were you looking for a little sympathy?
I have been reading "What the Bleep" and listening to Abraham-Hicks lately and I got to wondering about this. I was told many years ago, before I had heard of the LOA, that life will keep handing you tests until you pass and move on to the next level. No judgements, no pressure, move at your own pace.
Now, in light of what I've been learning, I look at this from an evolutionary standpoint. Not physical evolution which takes millennia, but spiritual evolution that you can accomplish in one lifetime. According to A-H we are all here in physical form because we willed ourselves into being. And the reason we did that was to have new experiences and grow spiritually.
So, to answer the original question, I think we find ourselves in similar situations because we have not learned the lesson from before and so God, life, the universe (whatever you're comfortable with), keeps giving us chances to learn what we need to learn and move on to the next level.
If you truly believe in the LOA then you must accept that everything, and I mean everything, that comes into your life was attracted by you. If you don't like what you're attracting then you should figure out why you are. Remember, most of what we attract is from a subconscious level and provides us with an opportunity to work on an aspect of our self that we would have continued to ignore had the catalystic event not occurred.
In other words, don't see these situations as "Woe is me", see them as "Whoa, it's me!". They are put there for your benefit. Your job is to figure out what part of you is creating it, work on that part of you ( an excellent resource is Bill Harris' Centerpointe
Remember, as we clear away the old, we make room for the new.